Caryl Wolff
Certified Los Angeles Puppy & Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant
(310) 804-2392
Virtual Online Zoom Dog Training

We could have happily lived our lives without knowing about COVID-19, coronavirus, social distancing, flattening the curve, etc. It changed our lives - and our dogs' lives. One good thing that happened is we have a new reality with virtual online Zoom puppy and dog training! We can work most of the same issues that we do during in-person training. In many cases, it is actually better than in-person training. Read on...
What is Virtual Online Puppy and Dog Training?
It’s one-on-one private training sessions in the comfort of your home via Zoom on your computer. I teach you how to train your dog or puppy. All you need is a computer/smartphone/tablet and an internet connection.
Virtual Online Puppy Dog Training Fees
Our fees are $295 for the first 1.5-hour lesson and then $195 for each additional 1-hour lesson if you feel you need a just a bit more. After the initial session, you may purchase a block of three additional 1.5-hour lessons for $700.
Benefits of Virtual Online Puppy and Dog Training
In many respects, virtual training is actually better than in-person training because
You can start almost immediately.
Virtual online training is more flexible than in-person training since there is no travel time. We can schedule at a time that’s convenient for you – and we can work with you from anywhere in the world! Isn’t that better than rushing home from work trying to get ready for a lesson?
The training environment is more comfortable since it’s your own home – where the behavior takes place.
Sessions are less stressful for you and your dog. For some dogs – especially those with anxiety or fears – virtual puppy dog training is preferable since I am not changing the environment by entering your home and your dog “doesn’t have to get used to me,” a stranger coming into his home. Virtually, I am not a distraction!
You choose what you would like to work on.
You can get something checked off your to-do list. (How long has “training the dog” been on there???)
Your entire family can be involved if you would like.
Virtual training is perfect for people with mobility issues or if you live in an area without a nearby dog trainer or behavior consultant.
Last – but not least – it doesn’t matter if you had garlic or onions for lunch…
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How Does Virtual Online Puppy and Dog Training Work?
You contact me via phone or email.
You get a free15-minute phone call where I take a brief history to find out what you want to work on.
I email you additional information along with an Agreement.
Upon deposit of $295 into my PayPal account and a returned signed Agreement, I send you a one-page questionnaire which you fill out and return to me before your lesson in order to save time during the lesson.
We then schedule your session to a mutually convenient time.
All training begins with a 1.5-hour session on Zoom, during which I ask you further questions to get a more complete background as well as beginning training exercises.
You will receive oral instructions the training exercises where I guide you through the training, and we work out a Behavior Plan for you and your puppy or dog.
After the session, you receive a copy of the Behavior Plan and pertinent written instructions, handouts, and copies of her books (at no charge!) via email.
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What Can We Work On?
Generally, training falls into five categories:
*Puppy training – either pre-puppy consulting or puppy issues such as
potty training (My book on puppy potty training won the 2015 Global eBook award!)
chewing and biting
socialization and handling
preventing separation anxiety and other future behavior issues
*Obedience training where we customize a program and work on the commands that are important to you such as
Stay, Off
Leave It
Drop It
Heel or Loose Leash Walking
– and whatever you’d like to work on
*Nuisance behavior
Attention seeking
Counter surfing
Door dashing Jumping
– and whatever you’d like to work on
*Behavior training for emotional issues
If your dog has a behavior issue, you likely have looked online to see if you can resolve it by yourself. That is a quick way to insanity because everyone contradicts everyone else. What you need is someone to listen to you and give you a solution to your dog’s specific issue
Fears and anxieties
Food, toy, or people guarding
– and a lot more
*Fun Stuff – agility and trick training
– and, yet again, a lot more
Since our dogs have gotten used to our being home during the quarantine, they may suffer separation anxiety as we return to our regular routine. I've written a series of articles things you can do now to prevent puppy dog separation anxiety. Trust me, separation anxiety is much easier to prevent it than to cure.
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